
Confessions and Obsessions

Obsession: Teen Vogue
It is more than appropriate that the first post of my fashion blog be called "Teen Vogue". I should probably start by explaining my obsession with TV. Well it started some time in high school during Advanced Fashion Marketing, I believe.

It was the best project she had given all year (and trust me she gave some pretty great projects). My teacher had laid out several different fashion magazines. With a partner we had to choose which magazine we wanted to represent. So of course Anthony Hunt and I just HAD to be partners. Together we were dynamite. Who know's maybe we will be the dynamic duo fashion designers one day. So anyway we looked through all of the magazines but there was only one that nearly made me melt. That's right: we chose Vogue magazine.

For the assignment one of us (me) had to be the editor of the magazine and the other (AH) a talk show host. Acting as the editor of that magazine had me lit up. I never had this much fun pretending to be Mommy's doctor or the banker while playing monopoly. I knew right then and there what I wanted to do. I subscribed to the magazine (all of them: Vogue, Teen Vogue and Men's Vogue) and since have become the Vogue Stalker. So of course now, as a college Fashion and Journalism student (see "So who is this fashionista" below) it comes as no surprise that when it was time to choose a company to intern for I instinctively chose TV! I have to intern in the summer...application process begins in January!! I really hope I get it...I definitely know enough about TV to at least land myself an interview. LOL. On a different note; TV is hosting yet ANOTHER Fashion University in October. Of course I applied, are you nuts?

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